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DR. AF. Mohamed Ashraff, passed B.A (Hons) with Second Class (Upper Division) from the University of Peradeniya in 1998. He was appointed as a Lecturer in the Department of Languages, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka in 2003 and presently serving as a Senior Lecturer, Grade - I since 2014. He obtained his Master of Philosophy from the University of Peradeniya in 2007. Parallelly, he has obtained a Certificate in Teaching Higher Education from Staff Development Centre, University of Colombo in 2006. After the completion of Master of Philosophy and the Staff Development Program, he has successfully completed Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies at Tamil university of Tanjore, India in 2010.

He was able to involve in curriculum development activities in the field of education. In addition to the preparation of curriculum for academic development, he had an opportunity to get a short-term training on 'curriculum development' in the University of Madras, India and he rendered his services to the curriculum development of the national universities of Sri Lanka.

As a Senior Academic and an Academic qualification of Ph.D. in Translation Studies, he had the opportunity to serve as a visiting lecturer for postgraduate degree program and for the faculties of Eastern University of Sri Lanka. And served as visiting lecturer at Faculty of Management and Commerce and CEDPL (Centre for External Degrees and Professional Learning). Being as an external examiner he has offered his services to various International Universities such as Tamil University, Tanjore and Bharathidasan University, Trichy.

He has made significant contributions to strengthen the research capacity of the department, faculty and the University. As a Senior Academic, he organized and coordinated several Annual Research conferences which was organized on behalf of the Department of Languages, Faculty of Arts & Culture at South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. In this connection he has organized, contributed and participated numerous workshops and discussions to the students and staff on research methodology.

In addition to the university level contributions, he engaged in various research studies as a coordinator, team leader and research assistant. He has written several books, chapters, refereed journal articles and research articles which show his contributions to strengthen research capacity of the country. Being participated in various national level studies, he was able to contribute to strengthen research capacity of national institutions such as National Institute of Education (NIE), National Institute of Language Education and Training (NILET) and Open University of Sri Lanka.

As a Senior Student Counselor and an Academic Warden, he was able to enhance the students' manners in and outside of the hostels and the University premises in order to the guidelines of the UGC and the University. Moreover, as a Senior Student counsellor, he was able to serve as a mediator of the vice chancellor while students' unrest affected smooth function of the university.

To the precis, he gave much more prime concern for the academic excellence and for the improvement of the standard education for the betterment of the university, region and nation.

As a Director of Cambridge International School, he is honorarily involved in the management of School in Trincomalee and also takes a personal interest to ensure maintenance of standards and quality as expected by the parents and the board of management.

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